Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy New Year!
Christmas was nice - it was good to be home with family again. I missed my beautiful nieces - I love spending time with them. The weather driving down and coming back could have been better. The highways were clear(thankfully) but the visibility was crummy. And then poor Kiana came down with a stomach bug halfway thru Saskatchewan. There can't be anything worse than being sick on the road. Oh well, we are home again.
Seeing as today is Monday, I am posting my 7 things today again:
1. I am so grateful for good health - we have colds and stomach bugs at our house and you really appreciate feeling good when you don't!
2. Wealth - we got alot of wonderful gifts from family and I am so grateful for everything we have. I so often take what I have for granted and only want more. I forget to thank God for what I already have
3. Family - I got to meet some of Chris' family for the first time this holiday season. Chris hadn't seen his cousin in 26 years and I had never met her. It is great to meet and get to know his family - and they are so wonderful.
4. Chris - my wonderful husband is so patient with me - some days I drive him to the brink but he still waits my tantrums out and listens to me rant and rave.
5. Snow - I really don't like the winter or the snow, but the past few days has been so beautiful. While we were driving through Manitoba and Saskatchewan it was really foggy. The fog had put a layer of hoar frost on everything and it was just magnificent. It was the most beautiful drive I have ever experienced.
6. A new year - its a time for new beginnings and fixing old mistakes. Its like I've got a clean slate and I get to try to make it better this year - to be a better person this year. One of these days I'll get it right. Until then I keep trying and am continually thankful for the forgiveness of the Father.
7. Friends - I always post this one, I know, but this is consistantly true. I have been blessed with so many wonderful people who love me and bless me in so many ways. I cannot imagine a day of my life without all of them in it. I am a truly rich woman!!!
Well, I hope you all have a wonderful New Year's Eve. Don't party too hard - have a drink for me! Cheers all - I love ya and look forward to seeing you in 2008!!!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Its Monday again
I am kinda nervous and excited today - I have a job interview with Edmonton Public Schools as a Teacher's Aide. I REALLY hope I get this - its pretty exciting. I figure with my experience with Autism, ADHD, ADD, GAD and SID I might actually have a shot. It's this afternoon - keep your fingers crossed for me please!!!
Here are my seven for the day. You might see a theme here today - I am like a little kid when it comes to Christmas. It's my favourite time of year so alot of my thanks today is Christmas related!
1. My girlies - I am so thankful for all the girls that I get to crop with every month. Went to Urban on Friday night and had a wonderful time exchanging Christmas gifts, eating and laughing.
2. Coffee - waking up in the morning to the smell is enough to get me out of bed in a REALLY HAPPY MOOD!!!!
3. Traditions - the comfort of Christmas traditions and the good memories and feelings that come with them.
4. Wrapping gifts - the excitement of knowing that you got someone EXACTLY what they wanted and how excited they will be when they open that special gift.
5. Chocolate - there is nothing better than comfort food - especially at Christmas. That's when the best chocolates come out.
6. Christmas carols - filling my house with the sounds of Christmas makes me feel all comfy and cozy inside
7. Going home - there is nothing better than spending Christmas with family. No matter what happens during the year, its the greatest place to be!
Hope you all have a wonderful week!!!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Another week is coming to an end

Monday, December 10, 2007
Good Monday Morning
And seeing that it's Monday - here are my Monday 7:
1. Coffee - I love the smell of coffee in the morning. There is nothing better than a good cup of coffee first thing in the morning.
2. Bath bombs - I got some yummy bath bombs from Lush Cosmetics . What a wonderful luxury.
3. My relationship with the kids - I am so lucky that I have such a wonderful and trusting relationship with my kids. I realized yesterday that they are comfortable talking to me about all sorts of stuff. It isn't a big deal now, but as they are entering the teenage years I am setting the stage for it continuing as they get older.
4. Nieces - I have the sweetest nieces ever. They called from Winnipeg to tell me that they were excited that I was coming for Christmas and staying with them. I love them and miss them terribly!
5. The Weather - I LOVE that its only -5 outside today. It is sooooo warm. This part of winter I LOVE!!!
6. Christmas - I love the feeling in the air that comes about 2 weeks before Christmas. I love the smell, the sounds, the spirit. I love it all.
7. Work - I am looking for a job for the first time in 10 years and I am thankful that I had the ability to be a SAHM for as long as I was and that hopefully I can get a great TA job with EPS!
Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Missing Ma!

Monday, December 03, 2007
Christmas has come
to our house. We decorated the tree on Friday and the kids had lots of fun. I love these two pictures of my kids. I have the greatest kids ever. We had the IKEA Christmas party this weekend too. It was alot of fun - didn't win any prizes but free food and wine is always fun. It was snowing when we left the party last night and it hasn't stopped yet. We will definitely be having a white Christmas this year. And Kiana had her 10th birthday yesterday too. WOW - I have a tween - man, that makes me feel old. I can't believe it!!!
Well, since it's Monday, here are my 7:
1. My amazing tween. I can't believe I gave birth to my little girl 10 years ago. Wow, is she growing up. She has an amazing heart for everyone around her. She is loving and giving. And she has a prayerful spirit. If anyone or anything comes to her mind she prays for them or prays about it. She has taught me so much in her 10 little years. Blessings my little girl! Thank you for being my heart.
2. Malachi is happiest for the little things. He thinks that I am his new hero. I found him the Bumblebee Transformer and he told me I was the best mom in the world. What a $15 toy can do.
3. My husband is amazing. He has a work ethic and a selflessness that warms my heart. So that his employees could have a good time, he worked during his Christmas party so the disturbances going on wouldn't affect everyone else at the party. Everybody had a great time and they barely even noticed that he was gone and dealing with a potentially dangerous situation.
4. Christmas is coming and I am so blessed by the season. I put out my Nativity scene and now I really feel Christmas. I feel thankful that my kids love and focus on the true meaning of Christmas.
5. My amazing friends. I know this is an oft commented thing, but every day I am blessed by the messages, phonecalls and thoughts that they send my way. God has truly blessed me with a plethora of love and support. Just a phone call to say "Hi" or "Oh no, what happened to your windshield?" always brings a smile to my face. Love ya my girls!!!
6. Finding a new church. I always hate trying to find a new church, but for the first time the kids are EXCITED to go to church. They love it and that's reason enough for me. They are meeting the needs of my kids and that's the most important thing.
7. Love of family - my parents and nieces and nephews called Kiana on the webcam yesterday and sang her "Happy Birthday" It makes it feel like they can be here for her party even if they aren't physically here. I LOVE technology - it makes you feel not so far away. I also love that my dad is (in his own little unchanging way) changing just a little and adopting some of this technology!
Hope you have a wonderful day! Love to you all!
Monday, November 26, 2007
It's Monday again
Today is Monday, so here are my 7:
1. I am so grateful for Kiana's enthusiasm. She had her singing competition last weekend. It didn't phase her that she was the only one in her voice class, she was thrilled with the fact that her certificate had 1st place on it. She scored an 83 on both her pieces and did quite well. Her confidence is soaring. She is ready for her next competition - I think we have created a monster.
2. I am so pleased with Malachi's determination. In June of last year he was at a grade one reading level, even though he was in grade two. We tried to encourage him to read more and in 5 months he has improved up to a grade three reading level. I am so proud of him and his perseverance.
3. I am so grateful for a God that loves me no matter how I screw up. Without grace and mercy I don't know where I would be.
4. Sherri is an amazing woman. In the last month she has been sweet and loving and supportive and bringing me out of my shell again. I love you for the person that you are!
5. Kelly is an amazing and encouraging friend. She is funny and makes me laugh. She is an inspiration to me and I love that I can tell her anything on the phone and she just listens. I love you too girl!!!
6. I so admire my husband's work ethic. I'm not sure that I could get called into work between 1:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. and still have such a positive attitude about it. He is a far better person than I
7. I appreciate the teachers and teachers' aides that work with my kids. It's Parent Teacher this week and I so appreciate all the understanding and support they give to my kids. So much of how my kids are is because of the teachers they work with. They have so much love and compassion for the kids - it just fills my heart.
Hope you have a wonderful day!
Monday, November 19, 2007
It's Monday again
Alright, now back to my sane side. Since today is Monday, here is my list of 7 things I'm thankful for:
1. Chris is still healthy and bloodclot free after 2 years. We had a scare last week that he might have another bloodclot, but his health is good. He has to make a few minor changes in his life to be healthier, but that is much easier than worrying about bloodclots and the like.
2. Kiana has her voice competition on Saturday. God has blessed her with a gift and a natural ability and I hope she does well on Saturday. Please keep her in your thoughts this week.
3. Mom is getting better every day. She is still really sore and really bruised but she is getting better every day. She can't go out in public yet because she scares small children with her bruises, but she says that she is feeling much better.
4. My favourite season will soon be upon us and I can't wait. Christmas is such a wonderful time of celebration. Its a great time for me to contemplate the past year and the blessings God has bestowed upon me. It also gives me time to ponder what the next year will hold. I am grateful that God has given me another wonderful year with my family.
5. How is it that your friends always know when you need them? Thanx to Joey for being an amazing man and friend to both Chris and I. We love ya man.
6. Malachi is my soft hearted little boy. He and his best friend Polar(a stuffed puppy)sat in my lap and cried because he didn't want to grow up, get married and move away from me. I asked him what he wanted to do. He said "I want to grow up, live with you and Polar and just be myself. " What a kid!
7. my coffee - I cannot live without it. There is nothing better than waking up in the morning and smelling my coffee brewing.
Monday, November 12, 2007
What a weekend!
1. I am grateful to all the military men and women who have served and are serving at home and abroad for their incredible sacrifice to me and millions of other people all over the world. Without your bravery and strength, we wouldn't have the life we have today. I watched a video called "Somebody's husband, Somebody's son" yesterday. I wasn't aware that my cousin Paul was included in this video. He was killed in Afghanistan 20 months ago. Remembrance Day has become a much more difficult day for our family since his death. Check out the video here.
2. The Winnipeg Blue Bombers won the semi-finals in the CFL East yesterday. We are one step closer to the Grey Cup. GO BLUE!!!!!!
3. I have an unbelieveable circle of friends that truly blessed me this week. Marguerite, Kelly and Sherri I want to thank you for your love and support. Thanks for having my back and letting me know that you love me.
4. My faith in the Father. I have really felt God has been with me this week and that he's taken care of me and only wants His best for me.
5. My mom had a fall down 25 concrete stairs last week and only has bruises. No concussion, no broken bones. I am so grateful that she is going to be okay and is healing well.
6. My children have such empathetic hearts. I am touched by the love and care that they show to the world around them. They weep for those who are less fortunate and want to help everyone they can.
7. It doesn't matter how I look at myself, Chris loves me passionately every day. I may not like what I see in the mirror, but my unbelieveable husband makes me feel like a queen. He sees me in the best light always.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Daisy D's Design Team
Friday, November 02, 2007
My amazing little girl!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Another week!
1. I am thankful for Malachi's compassion. He has the softest heart imaginable. While watching "Meet The Robinsons" he started to cry. He was touched by the happy ending and he was crying because the little boy finally got his own family.
2. I love that Kiana wakes up in the morning with a smile and an excitement to face the new day. It doesn't matter what she is facing in her day, she always does it with a grin and chattering 100 miles a minute.
3. I love that people love my kids. People who watch and really see them can see their amazing gifts and love for us and each other
4. I am thankful for the things that Chris and the kids show me everyday. Their amazing capability to love me - especially when i am unloveable is such a gift to me.
5. I love my friends - both online and at home. I have such a circle of amazing supportive people that encourage me, inspire me and love me. Juanita, Sue, Mylene, Sherri, Rhonda, Carmen, Jayme, Anne, Lisa, Lisa, Joey and Julie and Paul - you have all been strong and supportive. I am truly blessed.
6. I am thankful that I am learning new things every day. I was reading my friend Mylene's blog and she inspired me today. "I count myself lucky to have hurt so deeply at so many losses - I feel them all, I miss them all, I love them all still."
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Busy week!
I am also working with Kiana to memorize her music for the competition. She is such a little smartie - she's got both songs memorized. Now its all about expression. She is determined that she wants to win this thing!
I was pretty excited too as I got to be the October Guest DT for my dear friend Kelly at Memories in Motion. The kit included the Jack and Abby line from Love, Elsie. It was so much fun - I loved the papers. And this is what I came up with:

Tuesday, October 09, 2007
A new week!
We are also looking for a new church so we tried one on Sunday. And then it was Turkey Dinner. I ate WAAAAAAAYYYYYY too much and probably put on a ton of weight. But it was worth it - especially the pumpkin cheesecake. I LOOOOOOOOVE thanksgiving - especially the leftovers the day after.
Now its back to the daily grind of laundry, dishes etc. And my dear Chris is on holidays this week, so its not as quiet at home as it normally would be. We are hoping to get the kids costumes this week. Kiana has decided that she needs to be Princess Aurora/Sleeping Beauty and Malachi's life will not be complete if he doesn't get an Optimus Prime costume. So, that's what we need to find this week. And I am working on Christmas stuff too: cards, ornaments, 2008 calendars, etc.
Kiana got some exciting news last week too. She has been taking voice lessons at Alberta College for about a month now. Well, her voice instructor informed us that she is ready for competition. So, the week of November 20-24 she will be competing in the 12 and under category. She was given the option of whether she wanted to compete in one category or in two categories. So she will be competing in two categories: Classical Piece(a Royal Conservatory piece) and Pop and Television Piece(Disney's "Bambi" movie piece). She is so excited and I, of course, am being a proud mama!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Busy Busy Busy!
Fall has come and its only a little better than a week until Thanksgiving is here. So I have been thinking about all the wonderful things in my life.
I am thankful for a God who loves me no matter what stupid things I do.
I am thankful for a devoted and amazing husband.
I am thankful for autism - brought to me in the shape of my two beautiful angels
I am thankful for my friends - both at home and online - who have supported me, hugged me, cared for me and carried me especially in the last month.
I am thankful for the ability to be creative.
So, tell me, what are you thankful for?!
Friday, September 14, 2007
The weekend!
I got a pretty exciting offer today. Since getting my new SLR I have been taking ALOT of practise photos as well as putting together slide shows for different people, organizations and for our church. I guess somebody saw the work I have been doing and has asked me to do a slide show for a conference. Its a Christian organization that is doing something called an "Urban Plunge" and they want a slide presentation done for their conference presentation. Its not a paying job, but at least I get to show my work and who knows where it could go from here. I know its not much, but I am pretty excited about it!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Friday, September 07, 2007
I Love you!

"I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and pray to me and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with your whole heart." - Jeremiah 29:11-13
You have been my strength, my support, my champion, my lover, my friend and my soulmate. You make me laugh so hard my gut aches, you hold me when I cry and need to fall apart, you encourage me when I can't take another step, you lift me up when I am down, and you love me no matter how ugly I can get. Thank you for an amazing 11 years. I love you!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
I'm back again!

So, I am home from Winnipeg again and I just wanted to post a photo of the woman whose life I went to celebrate. I thank God for the opportunity to have this amazing woman in my life.
NOW to get busy and get ready for the fall. I cannot WAIT until Tuesday of next week - whooo hoooo - school is coming and the Scott household is busy getting ready. I can't believe that my little ones aren't so little anymore - Kiana is in grade 4 and Malachi is in grade 3. Unbelieveable!!! And we are busy enrolling the kids in their new programs - Kiana is starting voice lessons at the Alberta Academy of Music in a couple of weeks. I don't know who's more excited, her or me.
And you need to go check out the new Memories in Motion website. Its a cool new site with a great forum and cool stuff. Check it out, will ya?!?!?
And finally, I have not forgotten the RAK. My ds Malachi randomly chose a name out of a hat and the winner is: CARMEN!!!!! Whooo hooo girl - email me your snailmail and I will get that out to you ASAP!!! Have a good day all!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Goodbye Ma
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
We also took the kids to the car races. Malachi LOVED it - the Alcohol cars scared him a little but he loooooved the races. But I think the best part of the trip was my dad's surprise 65th birthday party. I can't believe we pulled off the surprise, but 3 months of planning and almost 200 people later we did it. And he loved it. I was lucky enough to be the person who gave a speech about and for my dad. What a wonderful day that was.
And now its back to regular life. My parents will be here this weekend to drop the kids off and then its time to get ready for school again.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
I am SUCH a bad blogger!!!
Monday, July 02, 2007
Among Thieves
Saturday, June 30, 2007
It's been awhile

I really enjoyed this particular project. It was alot of fun to do. Upsy Daisy was very generous with the product they sent us. I REALLY love them.
And we are getting ready to head back home for holidays again. It's always fun to go, but leaving the kids behind for two weeks is the real holiday for Chris and I. That's the only real time we get to spend together. The rest of our lives are devoted to our kids and making sure they have everything they need. What a wonderful break that will be.
So, what are your Canada Day plans? We will be watching the fireworks from our balcony. They are close enough to enjoy, yet far enough away that the noise doesn't affect Kiana adversely. IKEA is having a sale this weekend so of course Chris is working. Take care this weekend guys! Be safe and enjoy the long weekend.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Upsy Daisy Designs

Working on my next challenge for the SF contest too - have to do a lo that describes the feeling of laughter. Wow - how's that for a challenge. Should be interesting - and thanx to Upsy Daisy Designs for providing the papers and rubons for this challenge. Sooooo yummy!
And there are only 6 full days of school left until summer holidays. The kids are excited to be able to sleep in. I am having a heck of a time getting them out of bed every morning. I think they are just getting really excited about Winnipeg. They have a whole list of things they want to do when they get there. They love to hit Fun Mountain, Grand Beach(one of the most beautiful beaches in Canada), Tinkertown, the Zoo and Lake of the Woods. And Chris and I get to leave the kids behind for a couple of extra weeks, so we get a nice break after our holiday too.
Working out is going well too. Yesterday I managed to squeeze back into a pair of size 12 capris. Another week or two and they will actually be fitting comfortably again. It's nice to know that I might actually make it to the beach this summer without looking like a hippo!!! YAH ME!!!!
Anyway, Happy Hump Day! LOVE YA!!!
Friday, June 15, 2007
Interesting day!
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Feeling good!
So, my first challenge for the Scrapbooking Fanatics ScrapJam is finished and posted. Not sure its my absolute best work, but I'm happy with it. I LOVE the Rouge de Garance papers and was TERRIFIED to cut them because I bought the Limited Edition line and I was afraid that I would be unhappy with what I did or that I would regret cutting the paper, but I love it. You can check it out here.
And next week I am going to be an auntie again! My sister's baby is breech so they have scheduled a c-section for Tuesday morning. It'll be great when I go home this summer - totally surrounded by babies!!!
Today is another beautiful day - I am excited about the warm weather and the summer! I am so grateful for today because I am alive to enjoy it. What are you excited about today?! I'd love to hear about it!!!
Friday, June 01, 2007
Another glorious day!!!
I have also begun working out hard core. I have gotten quite large in the last 6 months or so and it is affecting my health. My doc told me that if I didn't lose the weight now, I would end up in a wheelchair. Hmm, let's see, Phlebitis and a wheelchair or working out 3-4x a week. The choice was obvious.
I want to leave you with these photos that I took at the park with my kids the other day. They are beautiful, but then everybody is when it comes to their kids I guess!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Bad Blogger
Honesty is telling the truth to ourselves and others. Integrity is living that truth.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
I'm an auntie again!!!
Malachi was disappointed. There are 7 girls and 2 boys in the clan of grandchildren so he was hoping for a little girl. My sister Nanette is due in 5 weeks so he's keeping his fingers crossed for a little boy. In the meanwhile, we are all very excited to have another little one to love in the family.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Happy Mother's Day!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Monday, May 07, 2007
Good Monday morning

Ugh, I don't like Mondays and this one more so than most. I have a meeting with the Principal at school this morning. My dd and her bully have been going at it again but this time my dd was the one to start it. She called the girl and her family trash and now the mother wants to have a meeting with all of us. GREAT - just what I need. This kid has tormented Kiana so much that I think she had it coming, but I can't tell her or the principal that. Poor Kiana - she has to apologize to the little girl and who knows what else the mother will want from us. But only about 6 weeks of school left and then this will all be over.
Someone sent me this over the weekend and I just loved it, so I wanted to post it here:
1. THEY RARELY LIE: To them truth is truth--a good word from them is the real deal.
2. THEY LIVE IN THE MOMENT: They truly attend to the sensory input that surrounds them. Many have achieved the ideal of mindfulness.
3. THEY RARELY JUDGE OTHERS: People on the spectrum often see through surface appearances such as size, wealth or colour to discover the real person.
4. THEY ARE PASSIONATE: They are truly passionate about the things, ideas and people in their lives.
5. THEY ARE NOT TIED TO SOCIAL EXPECTATIONS: Social expectations can be honestly irrelevant. What matters is true liking, interest and passion -- not keeping up with the Jones's.
6. THEY HAVE TERRIFIC MEMORIES: They are much more tuned in to details. They may have a much better memory than their typical peers for all kind of critical details.
7. THEY ARE OFTEN LESS MATERIALISTIC: They are often less concerned with outward appearance than their typical peers. As a result, they worry less about brand names, hairstyles and other expensive but unimportant externals than most people do.
8. THEY PLAY FEWER HEAD GAMES: Who was that woman, and why were you looking at her? I know I TOLD you I didn't mind if you went out, but why did you believe me? Most autistic people don't play games like these -- and they assume that you won't either. It's a refreshing and wonderful change from the Peyton Place emotional roller coaster that mars too many typical relationships!
9. THEY HAVE FEWER HIDDEN AGENDAS: If he tells you what he wants -- he is telling you what he wants. No need to beat around the bush, second guess, and hope you're reading between the lines!
10. THEY OPEN NEW DOORS FOR NEUROTYPICALS: For some of us neurotypicals, having an autistic person in our lives has had a profound positive impact on our perceptions, beliefs and expectations. For me, at least, being the mom of two kids on the autism spectrum has released me from a lifetime of "should" -- and offered me a new world of "is."
Have a wonderful day everyone!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Have you ever wondered
Enough of my dusty thoughts in my mind - what are y'all doing for NSD?! Anything exciting going on? Well, my favourite place to shop - Scrapbooking Fanatics is having a weekend of fun. I am really looking forward to hanging out there. They are starting Friday night. There will be some classes, prizes, challenges and more. Come and check it out if you have a minute - its a great place to hang out and it would be great to see you there.
Tell me, what are you doing for NSD?!?!?!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I was totally shocked. I had spoken to him about wanting one for either my birthday or Christmas this year and showed it to him yesterday. The next thing I knew he came home with it. I couldn't believe it - what an incredible man!!! Needless to say, that'll be it for Christmas this year. I have been playing with it a bit. Its gonna take me awhile to get the hang of it, but I am having a ton of fun with it.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
7 things about me
Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog! OK, here goes:
1. When I was 12 years old I was in a movie/documentary that was shown on television and in movie theatres in more than 4 countries.
2. I was on "Hockey Night in Canada" at the last home game that the Winnipeg Jets ever played. And I caught the puck. It was such a highlight for me that I still have that hockey puck
3. I obsessively collect anything to do with monkeys
4. I met Wayne Gretzky when I was in the 6th grade and sold his autograph for $50 after I got it cuz I didn't like him.
5. I am addicted to coffee - I drink about 2 pots a day
6. In person I am NOTHING like I am online - many of my scrappin' friends who have met me cannot believe how different I am in person
7. As much as I complain about my family, I have spoken to my parents on the telephone everyday since I moved to Edmonton 10 1/2 years ago.
Alright - I am tagging: Carmen, Julie, Rhonda, Stacy, Tammy, Ki and Tammy B.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Getting alot done
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Please check this out!!!
The band is generously donating $0.49 to Autism Speaks for each time the video is viewed - the funding goes toward research studies to help find a cure. When you have a moment, please visit the link below to watch the video and pass it along to your friends and family. They are aiming for 10,000 hits, but hopefully we can help them to surpass this goal. Click here to check out the video!
This is what I was working on today:

It seems that for success in science and art, a dash of autism is essential. -Dr. Hans Aspberger
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Happy Easter!
I hope you all have a blessed Easter filled with lots of chocolate and fun!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Monday, April 02, 2007
Happy Monday!
Friday we spent the day at the West Edmonton Mall Waterpark. Malachi loved the wave pool. Kiana was a little more wary and wasn't all that excited about being there. We couldn't get Malachi out of the water. Kiana was content to sit on her chair and watch us all play.
My parents spoiled Chris and I as well. They gave us money so that we could go out for dinner and my mom also took me shopping for some spring clothes. All in all, a pretty exciting weekend. But I am sooooo tired - I need sleep to recover from it.
Poor Kiana tho - she always has such a hard time when they leave - so we have lots of tears this week because we miss Oma and Opa so much!So, this month is Autism month. Go over to Technique Tuesday and buy your autism stamps and support the cause.
Well, I hope you all have a wonderful week - got a couple of projects on the go and get my house back to normal now that my folks are gone. And today is the perfect day for it because its cold and snowing. UGH - I wish that spring would finally come.
On that note, I would love to know three things that you look forward to in spring - what do you love about spring? What can you NOT wait for?!
Here are 3 things I LOVE about spring:
1. Blooming flowers
2. The smell of the first cut grass
3. The sounds of birds chirping thru my open window as I am just waking up.
Ciao for now!