There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of the people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age. Sophia Loren
Well, here I am - another year older. My sister Tanya called me the other day and said "Do you realize that you are now closer to 40 than you are to 30?" Thanx for reminding me?! But surprisingly enough I am enjoying getting older. When I turned 30 I was really quite sad about it and it very much depressed me, but today I woke up thinking "Hey, I am a hot chick for 36. it could be much worse" So what do I want this year? What do I want to do? What do I want to accomplish? This year I want to work hard at getting published - I would LOVE to have just one publication under my belt before my 37th birthday. I want to be meaningful - I want what I say and do this year to REALLY mean something. I want to give my kids the strength and the freedom to let me go(just a little) and to exert a little more independance. I want my faith to shine and to really mean something. I want to love God in a newer, deeper way. I want to be an open vessel to change and to be the person He wants me to be! I leave you with this photo - I think it portrays my maturity and outlook on this year quite well.

Happy birthday Mona! Yes we do get better with age! Enjoy your day
Happy Birthday Mona!! And you are soooo totally one hot momma!!!
Happy Birthday, Mona!!!!! I love that photo of you - hot momma! I hope all of your dreams come true this year!
Looking forward to meeting you at Scrapfest! I'm just taking one class on Saturday afternoon (AE) but will probably hang out at the Marketplace a bit before. I'm staying with my aunt and uncle instead of the hotel but hopefully we'll run into each other somewhere along the way!
Mona, you fabulous yummy mummy you!! awesome goals and you can do them all! Hope you had a great birthday!!
Happy birthday, Mona! I love that photo of you!
Happy Belated Birthday Mona, I agree you are one hot MOMMA and you look fantastic.
I wish for all your dreams and aspirations to come true this yea, but it be a rewarding as you want it to be.
Happy Birthday my friend!!!
Happy Birthday, Mona! May all your wishes come true!
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