You were such a special woman. You always had a smile on your face and were always laughing. You looked at the positive side of everything. You always made the person you spoke to feel like the most important person in the room. You were so excited that you had graduated from Nursing and were proud of your accomplishments. You loved your work. And you loved your friends and family more. I loved sharing my birthdays with you. The Olive Garden was always our place - how many hours we sat and caught up on life over "Soup, salad and stix". Hanging out at your place, visiting me in Edmonton, bonfires, shopping - whatever it was, it was always fun. Even when you had rough days and you just sat and cried, even then you managed to find something to smile about. Lydia, you were a dear friend and I will always love you. You made my world a better place because you were in it. I am grateful every day for the time I had with you because I am a better person because of you. You accepted me and helped me to accept myself. Life won't be the same without you. I love you and wil truly miss you! Goodbye, my friend!
aw mona she was so young!! my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and friends!!
Big hugs!! Sorry for your loss!!
This brought tears to my eyes Mona ~ what a beautiful tribute to your dear friend ~ but hugs to you.
awe Mona, I am so sorry! {{{hugs}}}
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