I really enjoyed this particular project. It was alot of fun to do. Upsy Daisy was very generous with the product they sent us. I REALLY love them.
And we are getting ready to head back home for holidays again. It's always fun to go, but leaving the kids behind for two weeks is the real holiday for Chris and I. That's the only real time we get to spend together. The rest of our lives are devoted to our kids and making sure they have everything they need. What a wonderful break that will be.
So, what are your Canada Day plans? We will be watching the fireworks from our balcony. They are close enough to enjoy, yet far enough away that the noise doesn't affect Kiana adversely. IKEA is having a sale this weekend so of course Chris is working. Take care this weekend guys! Be safe and enjoy the long weekend.
Have a wonderful time away!!
Enjoy that break from the kiddos!!! That's always good for mommas!
love the projects Mona.
Hope you enjoy your holidays...take the time for you guys while the kids are gone...it's a good thing for Mommy's and Daddy's to do.
Not much happened here for Canada Day, hope yours was great. Take care.
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