Monday, June 12, 2006

Well, here I am

I think I am finally starting to "get" this blogger thing. I was a little confused(being the computer illiterate that I am) but I think it's coming to me. I just think I need a place where I can post my thots, you can see my stuff and I can just post what's on my mind. So, my thot for today is this:

I am afraid to show you who I really am, because if I show you who I really am, you might not like it -- and that's all I've got. Sabrina Ward Harrison


Heather M. said...

YAYAYAYAY! So glad you started a blog!

Crystal said...

That's a profound quote - sometimes I feel like that too. We're on this journey together, Girl!

ScrapBookHim said...

what to go Mona!
You will totally love this blog thing!