Wow! Its been two months since I have posted - not sure if anyone is even gonna read or see this, but I'm gonna start it up again anyway.
I hope you all had a wonderful holday season and that 2010 is starting out as a good year for you so far. The last week of my life has been extremely eye-opening, heartwrenching, enlightening and by far the best and worst week of my year. Because of this I have removed people from my life that are not uplifting and healthy to my being. This was probably one of the most difficult and painful decisions that I have ever made. It brought many tears and hurt to both Chris and I and will affect our children in the future, but we know we have made the right decisions and hopefully one day Kiana and Malachi will understand that we did what we did for their betterment as well as the betterment of our family.
I have also decided that I want this year to be a year of refreshing and renewal both in my personal and spiritual life. I want to find my joy again.
So, I have started an 8x8 album that will allow me to express myself, what I believe, what I want for myself and my family and hopefully this will help me to heal and grow and be the woman that God intended for me to be.
If after all my rambling you are still reading this - THANK YOU! Thank you for still being here, thank your for your friendship and support and thank you for being my friend. I look forward to sharing my album and my new year with you!
Love to you all!